creative styling for creative people

Hannah is not only a stylist but a successful UK female entrepreneur.
She is the Creative Director and Co Founder of MakeBox & Co.
Over the years she has styled for high profile clients such as John Lewis, Olivia Burton, Boden, Reiss, Elle and Vogue.
She has proved to be a hugely popular craft and baking author, having published 4 books, Flowerbomb! Everything Alice, Everything Oz, Girls' Night In. See books page for more details. So far she has sold over 150,000 copies in 10 countries.
As well as being as stylist Hannah has been working as a presenter for the last 15 years with brands such as HobbyCraft, Dobbies Garden Centres, Sizzix with views often in the hundreds of thousands.
She is a social media addict and posts regularly to Instagram @couturecraft and @makebox.co
Hannah currently takes styling & presenting commissions on request only